Friday 20 September 2013

Research into Goodwin's Theory


Andrew Goodwins theory comes from Dancing in the Distraction Factory (Routledge 1992). His theory consists of seven elements:
1.    Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics.
2.    Lyrics relates to visual.
3.    Music relates to visual.
4.    Demands of the record label.
5.    Voyeurism.
6.    Intertextual reference.
7.    Performance/Narrative/Concept based.

Goodwin's Theory applied to:
Lawson Broken Hearted

This music video demonstrates the stereotypical characteristics of a male rock/pop band, such as; a performing scene (with the band playing instruments which are heard in the song and conventional to the 'alternative rock' music genre), earthy colours (grey/brown/black), stereotypical rock attire (leather jackets, skinny jeans, boots) and an attractive female as the focus point of the video.

The music and lyrics also conveniently relate to the visual images of the music video. You can visually see the lead singer of Lawson (Andy) singing to the female, which matches the lyrics of the song. The iconography and editing styles relate to the music. The instruments you can hearing being played in the song (eg; guitar, drums, bass) are the same instruments that you see being played during the performance section of the music video. The editing styles also compliment the music; for example, most of the the jump cuts and straight cuts are perfectly timed with the beat of the song.

Voyeurism is used evidently within the video. The camera angle displays the female character from a rear view in her underwear and a nightshirt during the beginning of the video. The main reason for this voyeuristic element is: 
(a) to display part of the narrative, which is how attracted Andy was to his girlfriend. 
(b) since Lawson's fanbase is mainly female, they have used this voyeuristic element to attract male attention.

For Lawsons Broken Hearted video I estimated the amount of performance, narrative and concept used in the video;

Performance: 60%

Lawson performing their song during a 'concert' style scene. This segment of the video allows the audience and any new fans to buy into Lawson's life and see how musically talented they are.

Narrative: 20%
A relationship that has fallen apart. The female is constantly being reminded of her famous ex-boyfriend when he appears in magazines, music videos and television programmes. They eventually meet again at the end of the video. The narrative helps portray the meaning of the song.

 Concept: 20%
The music video displays 'Breaking News' and magazine covers featuring rumors about Andy and his girlfriend. This represents the concept of the music video: how the media can tear relationships apart and affect people's lives.

Goodwin's Theory applied to:
Katy Perry - 'Thinking of You'

Following Goodwin's Theory I also analysed the music video to Katy Perry's 'Thinking Of You'. Being a solo female artist, Katy Perry's music video demonstrates stereotypical genre characteristics. Katy Perry presents a beautiful image (ie; flawless hair, makeup, complexion, figure) which in itself is eye catching and would capture the attention of male and female audiences - men being attracted to her and women wanting to be like her. She also appears wearing attractive clothing throughout the video which also attracts a lot of male attention and female admiration. Female music artists tend to look flawless and fashionable in their music videos in order to promote the song and the video.

The narrative of the video visually illustrates the lyrics of the song. 'When I'm with him I am thinking of you' - within the video many mid shots and close ups are used to display Perry's unhappy facial expressions, which consequently tells the audience that she is grieving over the loss of her partner and feels that her new partner isn't the same. Simultaneously the visuals match the music as the straight cuts and scenes are in time with the music.

This music video also demonstrates a voyeuristic treatment of the female body as Perry is shown frequently wearing swimwear, short skirts and dresses, and an open robe with stockings and suspenders. This revealing clothing displays Perrys body which attracts female and male attention: again, males wanting her and females wanting to be her. This is the exact purpose of voyeurism as it attracts as much attention as possible and promotes the artist, their video and their song.

For the style of the music video, I estimated it as:

-       Performance 40%

When Perry is in her bedroom and at her dressing table singing.

-       Narrative 50%

The scenes shown of her and her deceased boyfriend spending time together, when her deceased boyfriend is killed in action at war, and her being unhappy with her current relationship.

-       Concept 10%

I think that this music video is to emphasise to audiences how war can change lives and tear relationships apart.

In conclusion, I believe that Goodwin's Theory would be evident in many pop music videos as it covers the basics of a successful music video that would tell an effective story and/or promote an artist or a song. Consequently, an artist's fanbase or target audience would appreciate and admire the music video and would relate to the artist.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a good understanding of Goodwin's music video theory. You have identified the correct points and you have also related your points to images from the music video's to support the points that you have made. Within the theory points, you also need to consider the role of the audience and discuss how the music video would appeal to the audience.

    Finally within your summary, you need to consider the purpose of theory and discuss which characteristics you will aim to include within your own music video.
