Saturday 15 February 2014

Audience Feedback

 3 Positive Comments:

I am extremely happy with these comments, it's supportive to know that people enjoy the product that I have created. It is also great to know that the video has been successful even though it challenged so many genre conventions. I am glad that audiences appreciate the product and I am happy that not only does the video appeal to indie audiences, but appeals to a variety of audiences.

3 Constructive Comments:

Amy Palmer 19:  I love it, what happens next!! I want to see more of the artist, didn't really get why she was in the forest tbh.

II    Perhaps some audience members may not understand why certain locations were chosen, however I wouldn't change this because when planning my music video I felt that a deserted forest would represent the artist's state of mind, plus it is a naturalistic setting which relates to the indie genre. 

David Watson 40: Why does there have to be smoking? Bit of a bad influence on kids that might be watching this.

Although our use of iconography may be controversial, it is the whole purpose of the narrative. I wanted to show throughout the music video the effect that drugs, alcohol and relationships can have on an individual - this narrative could not have been clear with the use of specific iconography. The themes involved in my music video perhaps may not appeal to an older audience, however these themes could appeal and possibly relate to our target audience.

Paul Marks 28: This is great, seems professional yet if I'm being picky at times the camera appears a bit shakey? Don't know if you wanna sort that out or not.

Paul's comment is a valid one, and I agree that stabilisation definitely makes a music video look more professional, however this is not the style I was going for. I wanted to portray an unstable relationship therefore I felt that unstable camera movement would help portray this. As much as I agree with Paul's comment, I wouldn't alter the stabilisation within my music video as it contributes to the narrative.

Overall I am extremely happy with the feedback as it seems that audiences are enjoying my product. As a media producer this kind of feedback makes the hard work feel worthwhile. I appreciate the positive and the negative comments since everybody is untitled to their own opinion, and as much as I agree with the constructive comments, I wouldn't want to change my product as I am very happy with it's outcome. I think there is an evident improvement from the rough cut to the final product.

1 comment:

  1. The audience comments that you have included, helps to demonstrate the purpose of feedback well. You have also annotated the comments, by explaining how the comments made you feel.

    Aim to include an introduction to explain why audience feedback is essential to consider and carry out.
