Friday 18 October 2013

Research into Chosen Music Genre

Our chosen music genre is indie/alternative pop. We chose this music genre because we wanted to go for something less predictable so that we could make our video look more authentic, therefore we chose this genre as it is less mainstream. Below is an analysis of two music artist's that are similar to Nina Nesbitt.


Gabrielle Aplin is similar to Nina Nesbitt with her style of music (alternative indie) and music video. She tends to produce very acoustic-style songs with music videos that are a mix between narrative and performance based. 

The music video to Gabrielle Aplin's "Panic Cord" consists of a narrative which follows the break up in a relationship. The main elements of mise-en-scene I noticed was clothing, iconography and lighting. Within the performance sections, Aplin is seen wearing all white, however when she is with her boyfriend she wears more colourful clothes. This could be used to represent how when she began her relationship with her boyfriend she felt alot more alive and happy however, the fact that she is wearing white after the break up could show how she now feels alot more pure, mature and free. I also noticed that as her relationship with her boyfriend began to crumble, she wore darker colours such as black, grey and burgundy. This could represent the beginning of her heartbreak or how she is in a difficult position. In the performing sections she is also playing the guitar. This shows that Aplin is musically talented, much like Nesbitt, and is conventional to the indie genre as it is promoting the music. Another piece of iconography that is used often is a bed. The bed is
used when Aplin is performing, and is used in sections shared between her and her boyfriend. I believe that the bed is used to display comfort within her relationship, ultimately allowing Aplin to express her emotions with her song. I noticed that the lighting during the performance sections are extremely high-key, however is slightly lower within the scenes with her boyfriend. The variety between high and low-key lighting represents how her life was in the dark when she was with her boyfriend, however now she is in a better place. Nevertheless, all of the lighting that is used remains naturalistic,
which is conventional to an indie music video.

A very common camera shot that is used throughout "Panic Cord" is an upside-down, high angle mid shot of Aplin performing whilst lying down. This could be used metaphorically to portray how her relationship with her boyfriend 'turned her life upside down' - a micro element that subliminally expresses the meaning of the song. The rest of the music video however consists of mid shots, close ups, long shots and straight cut. All cinematography styles and editing styles are very natural which expresses a sense of realism. Expressing realism is conventional to the indie genre as it's purpose is to sell a realistic situation to the audience which in turn allows the audience to relate to the music video and the song, leaving the target audience consequently wanting to buy the song.

[target audience explanation]

Unlike artists such as Miley Cyrus and Rihanna who follow Dyer's theory of constantly changing their representation, displaying an ordinary and extraordinary image, Gabrielle Aplin displays a very ordinary and natural image, much like Nina Nesbitt, as they wish to sell their music rather than themselves, which is conventional to the indie genre.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of your chosen music genre. The music video that you have analysed, demonstrates your understanding of the indie codes and conventions. This is evident through the points and images that you have included. The points that you have also included on the micro elements, also helps to demonstrate your understanding on the applied meanings and what the artist is aiming to portray, to the target audience.

    To develop this post, you need to analyse one more music video from the indie music genre, to enxtend your knowledge further. Then aim to include a summary, to discuss how your research and analysis, will assist you with planning and creating your own music video.
